B:Side's Ambassador Committee

In 2024, we launched a new opportunity to engage with our small business community…

In order to provide valuable market insights within our current footprint, we have invited a group of lenders and economic development professionals to garner feedback on what they are seeing within their small business communities. Their feedback is an essential piece for helping us further our mission to provide friendly and affordable capital for small business owners.


A special thank you to our Ambassador Committee Members!

Matthew Nunez, OEDIT
Greg Strong, SBA Specialist
Ryan Sword, Front Range State Bank
Matt Tuggle, Citywide Banks
Emilio Vallejos, First Bank of the Lake
Evan SmithAcuna, FirstBank

James Campbell, Air Academy Credit Union
Chris Henry, Alpine Bank
Clayton Dexter, ANB Bank
Paul Jastrzebski, Merchants Bank of Indiana
Landon Johnson, Hillcrest Bank
Tyler Johnson, Central Bank
Jonathan Lay, Vectra Bank


New members may join on a rolling basis.

Please email Lauren Peterson if you would like to participate: lpeterson@bside.org

B:Side Capital